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Mr. Vishnu Deo Sai
Hon’ble Chief Minister

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Mr. Vijay Sharma
Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister


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  • About Chhattisgarh State Employment Portal

National Employment Service: An Introduction

Employment service in India started after the Second World War under the weight of demilitarization (retrenchment). After the Second World War, a need was felt for a mechanism that could reintegrate large numbers of retired military personnel and soldiers into civilian life in an organized manner.After the partition of the country in 1947, District Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Centers were asked to resettle a large number of displaced people. In view of the increasing popularity, the scope of this service was gradually expanded and by the beginning of 1948, District Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Centers were opened for all categories of applicants.As a result of the Employment Service changing from a resettlement agency to an all India planning agency, there was a huge increase in work for which long term measures were taken. In which, on the basis of the recommendations of Shivarao Committee, the administration of the organization was handed over to the state governments from 1 November 1956.

Employment Portal

After the establishment of Chhattisgarh state, employment service is being operated in all 33 districts through District Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Centers.

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Information about offices under Chhattisgarh Employment Service

S.No Name of Office Total Number
1. District Employment and Self-Employment Guidance Center 33
2. Enforcement Cell (for enforcement of CNV Act 1959) 03 (Raipur, Bilaspur and Jagdalpur)
3. Special Employment Office, Raipur (for employment of disabled people) 01 (Raipur)
4. Teaching & Guidance Centre, Jagdalpur 01 (Jagdalpur)